I am proposing that a new word be introduced called 'Childth Sense'. What does it mean? The noun means: a power of waking up at the exact time when you are not supposed to and then ask for all the attention : a keen distruptive attitude.
Let me explain with couple of examples.
Example 1: You are a lady and you have just completed your 100th lullaby and have fallen into deep sleep after feeding your baby upto the nose. As soon as your heart beat settles to the normal rythm, your sweety wakes up and cries at the top of the voice. The ability of the baby to identify this time is called the 'Childth Sense'
One more example.
Example 2: Its your wedding anniversary and you are planning to have a dinner together with your spouse at your home. The food is all ready, you smile and wait for appreciation from your hubby. He tastes it and smiles even wider and you are happy and you take the food to eat. The time at which your hand is about to reach your mouth will be the exact time when your baby wakes up and cries and brings the roof down.
(PS: Example 2 is relevant to only desi's who want to keep thier children with them always and not send to a day-care center).
Ok! One more example to make my bid stonger:
Example 3: You are in the bed with your spouse. You touch your spouse's hand, the fingers turns into a painting brush and run over from your partners forehead ..... ! Let me cut rest of the description and come to the point... you are ready to make love. You are ready...you have made sure that you have taken the precautions.... ready, set and gone.... your child wakes up and cries.....
The ability of a child's senses to identify and wake up at the instances where the child needs to be in deep sleep is called the 'Childth Sense'.
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